Sunday, November 30, 2008

Terrorism , a menance

Why media didnt cry and didnt go mad about symphathising with the killing of innocent muslims in 2002 State Sponsored Gujarat Massacre beacuse they people who got killed were muslims!! Media did same with Butchering & dying of 600 Iraqi children daily, during George Bush Senior brutal regime. but these media people only cry on non state sponsored crimes and genocides,

Both Iraq, Afghanistan, Babri Mosque demolition, and Gujrat massacre, just a few recent one to mention has been done with the state approval so these crimes are not terrorism, terrorism is only when someone kill someone on his own, same with Israel, Israel's soldiers kill Palestinian with U.S and Israel state approvals also, so thats not a terrorism. Now I hope you understand. The beaurocracy and politicians all are highly fanatical and partial. Its high we should geared up